What is the Honey Madness Cup?

The Honey Madness Cup is a honey competition. In the first year, it is addressed exclusively to beekeepers and apiary owners who produce honey themselves. Cooperatives, corporations and other entities purchasing honey are excluded from participation.

The similarity of the names Honey Madness Cup and Mead Madness Cup (Europe’s largest mead competition) is no coincidence. The organizers of MMC, in cooperation with the bee honey sommelier Olga Gavrylik, decided to naturally expand the framework of the competition to include honey. While the name is similar, the formula of the competition itself is quite different from the well-known MMC formula. Honeys during the Honey Madness Cup will be judged on organoleptic qualities and will not compete with other honeys. HMC judges are honey sommeliers affiliated with the Italian organization Alba del Miel.

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A few words about the competition

To win a medal, the honey should be rated at the desired level. On a scale of 100 points, the minimum needed to win a bronze medal is 65 points. Silver will be awarded to any honey that scores between 80.5 and 95 points. Gold medals are reserved for the best honeys that score above 95.5 points.

The deadline for submitting honey to the HMC competition is 22.12.2023 or until the limit of entries is reached, which is 200 in the first year of the competition.

We encourage you to submit your honey to the Honey Madness Cup and we wish you good luck.

Organizers of HMC