Rules and guidance
Honey Madness Cup – international honey produced in own apiary competition
§ 1.
Organisers of Honey Madness Cup (also known as “HMC”) are Kings of Mead and Ami Honey Sp. z o.o. (also known as “The Organiser”).
§ 2.
This is a competition for beekeepers and apiary owners who produced honey in their own establishments. Corporations, cooperatives and any other enterprises who buys honey are excluded from this competition.
§ 3.
HMC will have 3 categories
– Mono floral honey
– Multi floral honey
– Honey dew honey
§ 4.
Entries are restricted to maximum number of 3 per one entrant, regardless the categories.
§ 5.
Honey during HMC will be judged by expierienced honey sommeliers, members of Italian organisation: „Albo Nazionale Degli Esperti in Analisi Sensoriale del Miele”, using their scoring methods. Each judge will conduct a sensoric analysis of honey samples and assign a numerical score. Main criterion is the general sense of enjoyment as well as appearance, aroma, texture, flavor, and mouth-feel.
§ 6.
Medals will be awarded to each honey which scores as below:
Gold medal
Score between 95,5 and 100
Silver medal
Score between 80,5 and 95
Bronze medal
Score between 65 aand 80
§ 7.
To enter honey into competition, honey maker needs to fill in an entry form available at or by clicking on the link and by paying an entry fee, which is set to 50 Euro per entry. Cut-off date for entering honeys into competition is 22.12.2024. After that date, the entries will not be registered.
§ 8.
Fee in competition is set to 50 EURO (230PLN). This fee entitles to send one honey. In case of entering number of honeys, fee need to be multiplied accordingly. Payment should be made through the paying mechanism on the website.
§ 9.
After a fee has been paid, a contestant will receive an email confirming their participation and containing an address to which honey should be send.
§ 10.
Honeys need to be received by Organisers by 09.01.2025 in number of minimum one container 150 grams of weight or more. To each container, a correctly filled label needs to be attached, by using elastic band only. Labels need to be downloaded and printed. The link to download labels will be in a confirmation email, sent after successful registration. Honeys received after 09.01.2025 will not be taking part in competition and an entry fee will not be refunded.
Do not use HMC as a point of contact for your shipping companies. Entrant is solely responsible for their samples to be delivered
§ 11.
Every sample sent for the competition becomes the property of the Organiser and won’t be returned under any circumstances. The organiser is not responsible for any damages that may occur during transportation, storing or competition itself. The entrant is responsible for any possible customs fees. The organiser will not pay any outstanding fees in order to obtain the parcel and ultimately honey won’t take part in the competition. Entry fee will not be refunded. It is a good practice to write on the parcel and in any transport documentation: Free samples. NOT for re-sale.
§ 12.
Honeys will be evaluated by experienced honey sommeliers and members of „Albo Nazionale Degli Esperti in Analisi Sensoriale del Miele”. Judges are forbidden to evaluate their own honey that has been submitted to the Competition. The head judge of the Honey Madness Cup is Rasa Nabažaitė.
§ 13.
Information about winning honeys will be announced publicly on and other media.
§ 14.
Beekeepers participating in Honey Madness Cup consent to their details (name, surname, name of the company) and honeys details being used in competition information materials, materials supplied by sponsors of the event and prizes and to promote HMC by the organisers.
§ 15.
The Organisers reserve the right to modify the Terms & Conditions in the event of significant and unforeseen external circumstances.
Organisers of MMC: Kings of Honey, Ami Honey Sp. z o. o.